Question Detail How we can define member function outside the class ? Using unionUsing structureUsing pointersUsing scope resolution Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. Explicit call to a constructor means ? Not providing the construction name at allIs the shorthand methodProviding the constructor name explicitly to invoke itProviding the constructor name implicitly to invoke it Answer: Option C 2. What is purpose of abstract class ? to provide help with database provide data input to other provide security to other provide an appropriate base class from which other classes can inherit. Answer: Option D 3. Inheritance is referred to as “is a” relationship"have a" relationshipboth of abovenone of above Answer: Option A 4. What is true about Constructor ? Its name is plural of class name.Its name has * symbol before it.Its name is same as of class name.Its name has # symbol before it. Answer: Option C 5. Data members and member functions are enclosed within ? unionstructureclassarray Answer: Option C Read more from - C++ Programming Questions Answers - Set 2