Question Detail How many divisions are there in COBOL language TwoThreeFourFive Answer: Option C Similar Questions : 1. What are the minimum number of queues needed to implement the priority queue? OneTwoThreeFour Answer: Option BExplanation:One queue is used for the actual storing of data, and the other one is used for storing the priorities. 2. The complexity of Binary search algorithm is O(n)O(log n)O(n2)O(n log n) Answer: Option B 3. The complexity of linear search algorithm is O(n)O(log n)O(n2)O(n log n) Answer: Option A 4. Which sorting method is slowest Quick sortHeap sortShell sortBubble sort Answer: Option D 5. Information about an array used in a program will be stored in symbol tableactivation recorddope vectorsystem table Answer: Option C Read more from - Data Structure Questions Answers - Chapter 1