Question Detail How can we set Page Border in Excel ? From Edit menuFrom HomeYou can not set page border in Excel From Tools menu Answer: Option C Similar Questions : 1. On Excel screen, Tab scroll buttons are towards the top left cornertowards the top right cornertowards the bottom right corner towards the bottom left corner Answer: Option D 2. Shortcut to enter current date ? Home + ;Shift + ;Alt + ;Ctrl + ; Answer: Option D 3. Protection and the Protect Sheet options can be selected from ? DataToolsEditFormat Answer: Option B 4. Except which of the following function, a formula with a logical function shows the word "TRUE" or "FALSE" as a result ? NOTORIFAND Answer: Option C 5. In Paste Special dialog box, which of the following option is not available ? DivideAddSubtractSquare root Answer: Option D Read more from - MS Excel Questions Answers