Question Detail Hive a place for peococks.a place for dogs.a place for bees.a place for monkeys. Answer: Option CExplanation:Hive meaning in Hindi : मधुमक्खी का छत्ता Similar Questions : 1. Wardrobe a place for goods.a place for clothes.a place for shoes.a place for watches. Answer: Option BExplanation:Wardrobe meaning in Hindi : वस्त्र-भण्डार 2. Arena A place for hockey.A place for indoor games.A place for racing.A place for wrestling. Answer: Option DExplanation:Arena meaning in Hindi अखाडा 3. Tannery A place where products are displayed.A place where players practise.A place where leather is tanned.A place where music is composed. Answer: Option CExplanation:Tannery meaning in Hindi : चमड़ा बनाने का कारखाना 4. Arsenal A place where garments for military are stored or made.A place where weapons and military equipment are stored or made.A place where army do practise.A place won by army in a war. Answer: Option BExplanation:Arsenal meaning in Hindi : शस्त्रागार Arsenal example sentence : That nation has a well equipped arsenal. 5. Hutch a cage for parrot.a cage for rabbits.a cage for tiger.a cage for lion. Answer: Option BExplanation:Hutch meaning in Hindi : खरगोश का पिंजरा Read more from - One word substitution for places