Question Detail He said that where politics fails, economics may sometime succeed. sometimes succeedsmay sometime succeedssometimes succeedmay sometimes succeedsNo correction Answer: Option A Ad Similar Questions : 1. If I had time I will call you. I haveI hasI would haveI would have had Answer: Option C 2. I am tired as I am working since 7 O'clock in the morning. I was workingI have been workingI had been workingI will be working Answer: Option B 3. I gave my niece a children's very colourfully illustrated encyclopaedia. a very colourfully illustrated children's encyclopaedia a child's very colourfully illustrated encyclopaediaan illustrated child's very colourful encyclopediaNo improvement Answer: Option AExplanation:(Asked in CDS Exam) 4. Sarita went to the nearest market to getting presents for her cousin. to getfor to getfor gettingNo correction Answer: Option A 5. Neetu friends are waiting for her since morning. have been waitingwere waitingwaitNo correction Answer: Option A Read more from - Sentence Correction