Question Detail He had not ought to do it. has not ought to doought not had doneought not has doneought not have doneno error Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. He won by the sweeping majority. the sweeping majoritya sweeping majoritywith sweeping majorityNo correction Answer: Option B 2. The winter has set in and the days are getting colder. set offset upset withset in Answer: Option D 3. I don't believe in what he says. I am not believingI will not believeI have not believingNo correction Answer: Option D 4. He can not be trusted, he let the cat out of the bag. let off the cat from the baglet the cat from the baglet the cat jump out of the bagNo correction Answer: Option D 5. He has done nothing from two days. atthroughsinceNo correction Answer: Option C Read more from - Sentence Correction