Question Detail He advised me to be ready to bear upon the disturbance. to bear withto bearto bear awayNo correction Answer: Option A Ad Similar Questions : 1. The chemist hadn't hardly any of those kind of medicines. had hardly any of those kindshad hardly not any of those kindshad scarcely any of those kindhad hardly any of those kindNo corrections required Answer: Option AExplanation:(Asked in Bank PO Exam, Hyderabad) 2. If I was you I would not treat him like this. was I youIf I have been youIf I were you No error Answer: Option C 3. The winter has set in and the days are getting colder. set offset upset withset in Answer: Option D 4. They have stopped from constructing new buildings. to constructat constructingconstructingNo improvement Answer: Option CExplanation:(Asked in Asstt. Grade) 5. Soldier killed the enemy by his gun. by gunwith his gunby a gunno error Answer: Option B Read more from - Sentence Correction