Question Detail Grove A small group of people.A small group of animals.A small group of birds. A small group of trees. Answer: Option DExplanation:Grove meaning in Hindi : उपवन Similar Questions : 1. Horde A group of bees.A group of wild animals.A large group of people.A group of crocodiles. Answer: Option CExplanation:Horde meaning in Hindi : भीड़ 2. Posse a group of advocates.a group of policemen.a group of drivers.a group of workmen. Answer: Option BExplanation:Posse meaning in Hindi : टुकड़ी 3. Congregation A group of dacoits.A group of thieves.A group of worshippers.A group of fishes. Answer: Option CExplanation:Congregation meaning in Hindi : धर्मसंघ, धार्मिक सभा 4. Claque a group of people at a meeting.a group of people with evil intentions.a group of people applaud at performance.a group paid to applaud. Answer: Option DExplanation:Claque meaning in Hindi : किराये के प्रंशसक 5. Brood A collection of notebooks.A family of young animals.A family of old animals.A family of young and old animals. Answer: Option BExplanation:Brood meaning in Hindi : बच्चे, अंड समूह Brood example sentence : She was so excited after watching brood of chicks. Read more from - One word substitution for groups