Question Detail Green Revolution started in 1964-651965-661966-671967-68 Answer: Option C Ad Similar Questions : 1. Gross domestic capital formation is defined as flow of expenditure devoted to increased or maintaining of the capital stockexpenditure incurred on physical assets onlyproduction exceeding demandnet addition to stock after depreciation Answer: Option D 2. First five year plan in India was from 1947 - 19521949 - 19541950 - 19551951 - 1956 Answer: Option D 3. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) was established in ? 1980198119821983 Answer: Option C 4. Exise duty is imposed on Sale of an itemProduction of an itemConsumption of an itemAll of above Answer: Option BExplanation:Exise duty is imposed on Production of an item so it is a commodity tax. 5. International Monetary Fund (IMF) was established on : 25 September, 194427 December, 194425 September, 194527 December, 1945 Answer: Option D Read more from - Indian Economy Questions Answers