Management positions of Directors of CSIR
Updated : 17-May-2015Council of Scientific & Industrial Research - CSIR
Address : Anusandhan Bhawan, 2 Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001, IndiaCSIR notified application for outstanding R&D Professionals to head its prestigious national Laboratories / Institutes :
Post Name : Management positions of Directors of CSIR various areas under different laboratories of CSIR CEERI Pilani, CSIR NEERI Nagpur, CSIR CLRI Chennai, CSIR NCL Pune, CSIR CSMCRI Bhavnagar, CSIR NISTADS New Delhi, CSIR CRRI New Delhi, CSIR CIMFR Dhanbad, CSIR CMERI Durgapur and one post of Scientist 'H' at CSIR 4PI Bengaluru.
How to Apply : Interested candidates need to send separate brief bio-data for each post in the prescribed format till 15th June 2015.
Official Link : http://csir.res.in/PDF/advt_dir.pdf