Question Detail From the following which is known as the administrative section of the computer system ? Control UnitInput UnitRAMCentral Processing Unit Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. In which of the following form, data is stored in computer ? DecimalBinaryHexaDecimalOctal Answer: Option BExplanation:Data in computer is always stored and send in binary form, Binary form means all data is in the form of 1's and 0's. 2. What is full form of TIFF ? The Image File FormatTagged Image File FormatTagged Image File FrontThe Image Fax Format Answer: Option B 3. Who invented C++ ? Steve JobsJames GoslingBjarne StroustrupDennis Ritchie Answer: Option C 4. Documents, Movies, Images and Photographs etc are stored at a ? Application SeverWeb SeverPrint ServerFile Server Answer: Option D 5. Random Access Memory (RAM) is which storage of device ? PrimaySecondaryTeriaryOff line Answer: Option A Read more from - Computer Awareness Questions Answers - Set 1