Question Detail For many centuries in Indian History there was no city so famous as the city of Ujjain. likeforsuch asNo correction Answer: Option D Ad Similar Questions : 1. On the day of the match, we were hoping about rainy weather. foratofNo improvement Answer: Option C 2. A bird in hand is worth two in bush. two at the bushtwo on bushtwo at a bushtwo in the bush Answer: Option D 3. Poor Tom laid in the shade of a tree before he could walk further. liedlainlayNo improvement Answer: Option AExplanation:(Asked in NDA Exam) 4. Had I realised how close I was to the edge of the valley, I would not have carried the bags there. had I been realisedif I would have realisedwhen I realisedhad I had realisedNo correction required Answer: Option EExplanation:(Asked in Bank PO Exam, Hyderabad) 5. He has cooked that meal so often he can do it with his eyes closed. mind blankeyes coveredhands fullNo improvement Answer: Option BExplanation:(Asked in NDA Exam) Read more from - Sentence Correction