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GK Questions - First in India

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  • Shripad Singh Jagawat 5 years ago

    My knowledge improved

  • k.manideep reddy 6 years ago

    i got more knowledge and basics by these important questions and these are going to do me a successfull person.

  • Rajni 6 years ago

    Mock test

  • Hatim Saifee 7 years ago

    Question are not enough

  • NANDAN KUMAR DEY 8 years ago


  • Bejoi Mathew 8 years ago

    Loved it..(good fooooood)

  • akshu 9 years ago

    good one :) tysm for the valuable informations...a kind request more stuffs can be applicable..

  • salina sahota 9 years ago

    a good one but can have more stuff and things and people releated to all fields

    mastguru 9 years ago replied

    Sure Salina, thanks for feedback !

    mastguru 9 years ago replied

    sure Akshu !

    mastguru 8 years ago replied

    Thanks Bejoi !