Question Detail Enumerators are stored by the compiler in ? stringintegerfloatany of above Answer: Option B Similar Questions : 1. Among following which will give the size of object or type ? CallocMallocSizeofRealloc Answer: Option C 2. Explicit call to a constructor means ? Not providing the construction name at allIs the shorthand methodProviding the constructor name explicitly to invoke itProviding the constructor name implicitly to invoke it Answer: Option C 3. The symbol ** __ . can be overloaded by changing its datatype.cannot be overloaded, as on overloading its meaning shall be changed.can be overloaded.cannot be overloaded as it is not a C++ operator. Answer: Option D 4. << operator is ? stream extraction operatorstream insertion operatorleft shift operatorright shift operator Answer: Option B 5. Data members and member functions are enclosed within ? unionstructureclassarray Answer: Option C Read more from - C++ Programming Questions Answers - Set 2