Question Detail Embedded pointer provides a secondary access patha physical record keyan inverted indexall of above Answer: Option A Similar Questions : 1. In context of database DML Means Data Multiplication LineData Manupulation LanguageData Method LimitData Merit Logic Answer: Option B 2. Natural join can be related with Function dependencyB treeDomain calculusRelational algebric operators Answer: Option D 3. Attribute of one table matching to the primary key of other table, is called as foreign keysecondary keycandidate keycomposite key Answer: Option A 4. Transaction processing was made possible by the development of direct access storagemagnetic tapecash register inputminicomputers Answer: Option A 5. Which among following is not a relational database dBase IV4th DimentionFoxProReflex Answer: Option D Read more from - Database Question Answers - Chapter 1