Question Detail Electric Motor converts Electrical energy into mechanical energyMechanical energy into Electrical energyElectrical energy into light energyNone of above Answer: Option A Similar Questions : 1. If lift is going up with acceleration, the apparent weight of a body is may be more or less than true weightequal to the true weightless than the true weightmore than the true weight Answer: Option D 2. Which instrument is used to measure changes in volume of substances ? DyanamoDilatometerCyclotronElectroscope Answer: Option BExplanation:Dyanamo - is used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, Cyclotron - is a charged particle accelerator which can accelerate charged particles to high energies, Electroscope - is used to detect the presence of an electric charge. 3. Alfred Nobel invented X rayDiesel EngineDynamiteDynamo Answer: Option CExplanation:Alfred Nobel if Sweden invented Dynamite in 1867, X ray was invented by Wilhelm Roentgen of Germany in 1895, Diesel Engine was invented by Rudolf Diesel of Germany 1892, Dynamo was invented by Michael Faraday of England in 1831. 4. Light year is a unit of TimeLightDistanceIntensity of light Answer: Option C 5. Who discovered Atom ? Madam CurieJames ChadwickRutherfordJohn Dalton Answer: Option DExplanation:John Dalton discovered Atom in 1808, Madam Curie discovered Radium in 1898, James Chadwick discovered Neutron in 1932, Rutherford discovered Proton in 1919. Read more from - Physics Questions Answers