Question Detail EA stands for ? Effective addressEffective absoluteEffective addEnd address Answer: Option A Similar Questions : 1. In which condition one process holds the allocated resources and other waits for it ? Non preemptionMutual exclusionHold and waitAll of above Answer: Option C 2. The unit which decodes and translates each instruction and generates the necessary enable signals for ALU and other units is called ALUControl UnitCPULogical Unit Answer: Option B 3. __ read the data by reflecting pulses of laser beams on the surface ? Magnetic diskOptical diskFloppy diskROM Answer: Option B 4. I/O processor has direct access to ? Main MemorySecondary MemoryFlash MemoryROM Answer: Option A 5. Why we need to have secondary storage ? Store large volume of data that exceed the capacity of main memoryPerform arithmatic and logical operationsTo give power to the system tooTo help processor in processing Answer: Option A Read more from - Computer System Architecture Questions Answers