Question Detail Do you know, every part of banyan tree is useful. every part forall part ofeach part ofNo correction Answer: Option C Ad Similar Questions : 1. She gave most of her time to music. devotedspentlentNo improvement Answer: Option AExplanation:(Asked in UDC Exam) 2. Many believed that girls whoreceived western education would make slaves of their husbands. could receivehad receivedhave receivedNo improvement Answer: Option BExplanation:(Asked in CDS Exam) 3. It is all and one to me whether he lives in Mumbai or Kolkata. all but oneall oneone and the sameall or oneno error Answer: Option C 4. Tens of people were killed by this mishappening. fromofin No correction Answer: Option C 5. The easiest of the thing to do is to ask the address from the postman. of the things to doamong the things to doof the thing to be doneof all the things doneNo correction required Answer: Option AExplanation:(Asked in BSRB Exam, Patna) Read more from - Sentence Correction