Question Detail Devaluation of currency leads to ? fall in domestic pricesincrease in domestic pricescant be predictedNone of above Answer: Option B Similar Questions : 1. First five year plan in India was from 1947 - 19521949 - 19541950 - 19551951 - 1956 Answer: Option D 2. The increase in oil seeds production was due to ? White revolutionYellow revolutionGreen revolutionBrown revolution Answer: Option B 3. Deficit financing means that the government borrows money from the ? Revenue DepartmentWorld BankRBINone of above Answer: Option C 4. Which one of the following is the banker of the banks ? State Bank of IndiaReserve Bank of IndiaPunab National bankCentral Bank of India Answer: Option B 5. India earns maximum foreign exchange by the export of ? IronHandloomTexttilesTea Answer: Option D Read more from - Indian Economy Questions Answers