Question Detail Debenture holders of a company are its ? DirectorsShareholdersDebitorsCreditors Answer: Option D Ad Similar Questions : 1. Which Indian got Nobel Prize for Economics ? TeressaAmarthiya SenC.V.RamanNone of above Answer: Option B 2. What is term Hot Money used for ? black moneywhite moneya money which is hard to come but easy to goa money which comes easily and goes easily too Answer: Option D 3. The head quarters of world trade organisation is in MontrealGenevaNew jerseySeatle Answer: Option B 4. Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) established in 1964196519661967 Answer: Option A 5. The banks are required to maintain a certain ratio between their cash in hand and total assets. This is called ? Statutory Liquid RatioCash Reserve RatioLiquid RatioStatutory Ratio Answer: Option A Read more from - Indian Economy Questions Answers