Question Detail Data dictionary tell DBMS what files are in the databasewhat attributes are processed by datawhat these files containall of above Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. Allocation map Used to store program dataspecifies which blocks are used by which fileis updated by application programsallow programs to erase files Answer: Option B 2. Data item characteristics that are important in data management include punctuationlanguagespellingwidth Answer: Option D 3. Data dictionary is a special file that contains the names of all fields in all filesthe data types of all fields of all filesBoth of aboveNone of above Answer: Option B 4. Two basic types of record access methods are sequential and randomdirect and immediatesequential and indexedonline and real time Answer: Option A 5. Administrative supervision of database activities is responsibility of Database administratorDP ManagerDB ManagerNone of above Answer: Option A Read more from - Database Question Answers - Chapter 1