• Current Affairs 4th March 2018

    Updated : 04-Mar-2018
    Current Affairs 4th March 2018

    Current Affairs 4th March 2018 - Important Points

    • Anti Tank Guided Missile NAG successfully test-fired on - 28th February 2018

    Current Affairs 4th March 2018 - Details

    Anti Tank Guided Missile NAG successfully test-fired on - 28th February 2018

    The Anti Tank Guided Missile (ATGM) NAG was successfully flight-tested on February 28th, 2018 in desert conditions against two tank targets at different ranges and timings. After this flight test, the developmental trials of the missile have been completed and it is now would be capable to engage targets in different conditions. It is now ready to be inducted into armed forces.

    This was the third flight test of the NAG missile.

    The first successful flight test of NAG missile was carried out in June 2017 in Rajasthan.
    The second flight test of this 3rd generation missile was carried out in September 2017 in Rajasthan itself.

     More about NAG Missile

    • It is a third generation “fire and forget” anti-tank missile.
    • It is developed by DRDO under the Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP).
    • This missile can be launched from both land and air-based platforms.
    • Its helicopter launched version is known as Helicopter-Launched NAG (HELINA) that can also be fired from Dhruv ALH (Advanced Light Helicopter) and HAL Rudra attack helicopter.
    • The land-based version of the missile is at present available to integrate on the NAMICA (Nag missile carrier).
    • It is equipped with highly advanced IRR (Imaging Infrared Radar) seeker and has integrated avionics technology in its arsenal.
    • It also has advanced passive homing guidance system.
    • It has been especially designed to destroy modern main battle tanks and other heavily armoured targets.