• Current Affairs 23rd March 2018

    Updated : 23-Mar-2018
    Current Affairs 23rd March 2018

    Current Affairs 23rd March 2018 - Important Points

    • Cabinet approves inclusion of which communities ST list in Karnataka - Parivara and Talawara
    • Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill passed in - Parliament
    • Closure of India Development Foundation of Overseas Indians approved by – Cabinet
    • Cabinet approves revision of DTAA between India and which country - Qatar
    • North-East Industrial Development Scheme 2017 approved by - Cabinet
    • Possibility of strengthening cooperation in border areas explored by India and - China
    • Multi-utility vehicle Naipunya Ratham launched by - Andhra Pradesh Government
    • Great Pacific Garbage Patch is rapidly accumulating plastic, reported on - 22nd March 2018
    • India’s first sign language dictionary launched by - Union Government
    • Abel prize won by Robert Langlands in Norway on - 20th March 2018

    Current Affairs 23rd March 2018 - Details

    Cabinet approves inclusion of which communities ST list in Karnataka - Parivara and Talawara

    The Union Cabinet has issued its core sanction for addition of communities, specifically ‘Parivara and Talawara’ as synonym of Nayaka at in the list of STs of Karnataka. This sanction fulfils long-term request of these communities for surrendering Schedule Tribe status in Karnataka.

    With this addition, persons concerning to these groups will be qualified to get Schedule Tribes certificate from Karnataka. They will also be qualified for all advantages meant for Schedule Tribes in state.

    Background :

    Scheduled Tribes are informed under Article 342 of Constitution. Karnataka Government had suggested for addition of Parivara and Talawara groups as synonyms of ‘Nayaka’ in list Schedule Tribes of state. The 1st explanation of Scheduled-Tribes concerned to specific State/UT is by well-versed Order of President, after discussion with related state/UT government. Any succeeding inclusion in or exclusion from and other alterations in list of Scheduled Tribes can be completed only through modifying Act of Parliament.

    Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill passed in - Parliament

    The Indian Parliament approved the Payment of Gratuity (Amendment) Bill that will authorize the government to fix the value of tax-free gratuity and the term-period of maternity leave with a policymaking order, on March 22nd, 2018.

    The bill was approved by the Rajya Sabha, which was unsuccessful to work appropriately since the last 2 weeks due to objections by various political parties. The House approved the important bill without debate. 


    The amendment will profit workers of private and public-sector firms, as it will facilitate them with social security after their retirement from job.

    Key Highlights 

    • The bill stimulated by Union Labour Minister Santosh Kumar Gangwar was sanctioned by a voice vote.
    • The Lok Sabha had given its endorsement to the important bill past week.
    • The approval of the bill will permit the government to improve the extreme limit of tax-free gratuity to Rupees 20 lakh from the present Rupees 10 lakh for workers dropping under the Payment of Gratuity Act.
    • The bill will also permit the growth of cap time-to-time in the gratuity-amount without altering the law.
    • It will also permit the government to fix the time-period of maternity leave for women workers as believed to be in constant service in place of the present 12 weeks.

    Closure of India Development Foundation of Overseas Indians approved by – Cabinet

    The Union Cabinet has given its endorsement for finishing of India Development Foundation of Overseas Indians. The motive of finishing is to improve interactions in channelizing charities of Indian movement to Government’s flagship programmes, for instance, National Mission for clean Ganga and Swachh Bharat Mission. It also looks forward to improve interactions, enhance productivities and evade duplication of work.


    India Development Foundation-Overseas Indians was formed by Central Government in 2008 as an autonomous non-profit Trust. Its directive was to ease Overseas Indian charity into social and expansion projects in India. The trust was led by External Affairs Minister. Government had summed flagship programmes including National Mission for Clean Ganga and Swachh Bharat Mission and other social expansion projects.

    The India Development Foundation-Overseas Indians had got only Rupees 36.80 lakhs between December 2008-March 2015 as contribution from overseas Indian groups. Later in between April 2015-March 2018, it had got Rupees 10.16 crores, maximum of donation received were for plans of National Mission for Clean Ganga and Swachh Bharat Mission.

    Cabinet approves revision of DTAA between India and which country - Qatar

    The Union Cabinet has sanctioned the revision of current Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between India and Qatar. The motive behind the revision is for escaping of double taxation and for inhibition of fiscal evasion according to taxes on salary. The present Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement among India and Qatar was inked in April 1999 and came into effectiveness in January, 2000.

    Features of Revised DTAA

    It apprises provisions for interchange of data to latest norms. It consists Limitation of Benefits provision to avoid treaty shopping and bring into line other provisions with India’s current treaties.

    It sees minimum norms on treaty abuse under Action-6 and Mutual Agreement Process under Action 14 of G-20 OECD Base Erosion & Profit Shifting Project to which India is contributing.

    Treaty Shopping

    Under it, a citizen of 3rd nation finances by getting advantage of fiscal treaty among India and another agreement-state. This has importantly contributed in inspiring FDI in nation but has been intermediate of tax evasion. The origins of Treaty shopping are in discrepancies between international tax regimes. If there is difference of tax systems, it can cause alteration of investment flows. It can be measured by outline of limitation of benefit clause and other sections which limit advantages to citizens of 2 nations only.

    North-East Industrial Development Scheme 2017 approved by - Cabinet

    The Union Cabinet has sanctioned North-East Industrial Development Scheme-2017 to encourage jobs in North-Eastern states including Sikkim. North-East Industrial Development Scheme is grouping of the incentives covered under the previous 2 government plans with a larger outlay. It will have financial expenditure of Rupees 3000 crores up to March, 2020.

    Incentives for new industrial units in NER

    Central Capital Investment Incentive for Access to Credit: Under it, 30 per cent of money-investment in Plant and Machinery with maximum limit of Rupees 5 Crore will be issued per plant.

    Central Interest Incentive: It will be 3 per cent on employed capital-credit advanced by qualified Banks and Financial groups for 1st 5-year from date of beginning of commercial manufacturing by plant.

    Central Comprehensive Insurance Incentive: It will deliver compensation of 100 per cent insurance premium on the insurance-protection of building and Units and Machines for five years from date of beginning of commercial manufacturing by plant.

    GST Reimbursement: It will be up to level of Central Government share of CGST and IGST for five years from date of beginning of commercial manufacturing by plant.

    Income-Tax Reimbursement: It will be of Centre’s portion of income-tax for 1st five years including year of beginning of commercial manufacturing by plant.

    Employment Incentive: Government will pay 3.67 percent of company’s contribution to EPF adding to its already bearing 8.33 percent EPS contribution of company in Pradhan Mantri Rojgar Protsahan Yojana.

    Transport Incentive: Indian Railway will issue 20 per cent of transportation cost as well as funding currently issued for finished products by rail. Inland Waterways Authority of India will deliver 20 per cent of transportation cost for finished products for transportation via inland waterways. Airport closest to manufacturing place will deliver 33 percent of conveyance cost of air-freight on fragile products as per definition by IATA to any airport within the nation.

    Possibility of strengthening cooperation in border areas explored by India and - China

    India and China exchanged views on ways to improve border management during the 11th round meeting of the ‘Working Mechanism on Consultation & Coordination  for India-China Border Affairs’ (WMCC) in New Delhi on 22nd March 2018.

    The Indian delegation was led by Joint Secretary (East Asia) in Ministry of External Affairs, Pranay Verma while the Chinese delegation was led by Director General of Department of Boundary and Oceanic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Yi Xianliang.

    Important Highlights

    • India underlined that maintenance of peace and tranquillity in the India-China border areas is an important pre-requisite for further development of their bilateral relations between both the countries.
    • Both the nations have also discussed various confidence to build measures aiming towards further enhancement of the level of mutual trust and understanding between their border personnel.
    • Both sides have also agreed to explore the possibility of strengthening cooperation through their visits exchange and  institutionalised dialogue mechanisms in order to promote better understanding and cooperation between both the defence forces.
    • Both of the nations, agreed to hold the next meeting of the WMCC in the mutually convenient time.

    Did you know?

    • The Working Mechanism on Consultation and Coordination was established back in 2012 as an institutional mechanism for consultation and coordination for the peace and tranquillity maintenance in the India-China border areas.
    • It is also aiming to exchange views on strengthening communication and cooperation, including their border security personnel.

    Multi-utility vehicle Naipunya Ratham launched by - Andhra Pradesh Government

    Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu launched the Naipunya Ratham, a multi-utility vehicle on March 22nd 2018.

    As part of the ‘Smart Village Smart Ward Program’ of the state, the Naipunya Rathams will be facilitating and looking to improve digital literacy and digital skills. The State Government has also allotted Rs 300 crore for the project and will also be setting up 1000 skill development centres soon.

    More about Naipunya Ratham

    • Also known as 'World on Wheels (WoW)', Naipunya Ratham is aimed at taking technology and innovation to the remote corners of the State.
    • The first phase of the Naipunya Ratham launch will be covering 13 districts and 28 smart villages in collaboration with Hewlett Packard (HP) which is the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India and Guide Foundation for Development.
    • World on Wheels Lab is a 20-seater Bus with enabled digital facilities and learning lab equipped with smart technology gadgets and with e-learning tools like HP Video Book, HP Classroom Manager and HP Life.
    • Naipunya Ratham will be catering to the needs of all the sections of the society, even schoolchildren can also avail technical and educational information, youth can use it for their skill enhancement.
    • It is aiming to create opportunities in underserved communities and empower people everywhere to build a prosperous life.
    • Around 10 lakh people across the State will be undergoing skill development training in the year 2018-19 through this vehicle.
    • Vehicle also possesses excellent system for entertainment purposes too.
    • Naipunya Ratham as a part of HP's commitment to promote digital literacy
    • The government will soon be rolling out 12 more Naipunya Rathams in the same State by May 2018.

    Great Pacific Garbage Patch is rapidly accumulating plastic, reported on - 22nd March 2018

    As per a new study published in Nature's Scientific Reports on March 22, 2018, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch which is  a collection of marine debris in the North Pacific Ocean, contains up to 16 times more waste than expected.

    The Great Pacific Garbage Patch now occupies an area which is three times the France size in the Pacific Ocean between California and Hawaii with 79 thousand
    tons of plastic debris in the form of 1.8 trillion pieces.

    Important Highlights

    • Researchers conducted the surveys of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in 2015 and 2016 and estimated that 78200 tonnes of plastic waste are packed in that area.
    • This figure has been increasing exponentially since the 1970s.
    • Using a combination of drag netting and visual surveys from boats and an aeroplane, researchers have estimated that the patch is 1.6 million square kilometres in area,  which is almost the same size of Queensland in Australia.
    • The study revealed that the fishing nets account for 46 percent of the trash and the majority of the patch is composed of other fishing industry gear including ropes, eel traps, oyster spacers, crates and baskets.
    • It is estimated that approximately 20 percent of the debris is from the Japanese tsunami occured in 2011.
    • This floating plastic litter is also troubling the marine life.
    • The study was led by the Ocean Cleanup Foundation and by researchers at institutions in New Zealand, the United States, France, Germany, Britain and Denmark.
    • Laurent Lebreton who is an oceanographer at the Ocean Cleanup Foundation has led this Study.
    • The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is an accumulation of the marine debris or litter in the North Pacific Ocean.
    • The Patch is also known as the Pacific trash vortex spanning from the West Coast of North America to Japan.

    India’s first sign language dictionary launched by - Union Government

    The Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment, Thaawarchand Gehlot launched the first Indian Sign Language (ISL) dictionary containing 3000 words on March 23rd 2018 during a function in Delhi.

    Indian Sign Language Research & Training Centre (ISLR&TC) has developed this dictionary under Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD), Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment.

    The main objective to develop this dictionary is to remove the communication barriers between the deaf and hearing communities, as it is focused towards providing more information in Indian sign language. It also aims to give the deaf people the constitutional right to speech and opportunity of freedom of expression and also bring them into the mainstream of the society.

    Important Highlights

    • It would be giving a chance to people to learn the Indian Sign Language.
    • It consists of various categories of words for example academic terms, technical terms, legal terms, medical terms and daily use words. The videos are also subtitled.
    • The English and Hindi terms for the dictionary will also be helping deaf children to learn English.

    Did you know?

    • The Indian Sign Language Research & Training Centre had been working on developing the Indian Sign Language Dictionary since the past one and a half years.
    • As per census conducted in 2011, In India there are 19, 98,535 with speech disability and 50, 71,007 deaf people in India.

    Abel prize won by Robert Langlands in Norway on - 20th March 2018

    Robert Langlands was named the winner of the 2018 Abel Prize at a ceremony in Norway on 20th March 2018. The prize modeled on the Nobel, is one of the highest honors in mathematics.

    Important Information

    • Langlands who is 81 years old is an emeritus professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.
    • Robert is the originator of the “Langlands program,” which explores a deep connection between two pillars of modern mathematics: number theory,  that further basically studies arithmetic relationships between numbers, and analysis, which is an advanced form of calculus.
    • The link has long results that mathematicians have used to answer centuries-old questions about the prime number properties.