• Current Affairs 14th March 2018

    Updated : 14-Mar-2018
    Current Affairs 14th March 2018

    Current Affairs 14th March 2018 - Important Points

    • Deadline for Aadhaar linking extended by - Supreme Court
    • Tuberculosis Free India Campaign launched by - Union Government
    • Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India signs MoU with Reserve Bank of India on - 12th March 2018

    Current Affairs 14th March 2018 - Details

    Deadline for Aadhaar linking extended by - Supreme Court

    The Supreme Court of India stretched the time limit of March 31st for connecting Aadhaar card to  different bank accounts, mobile phones and government plans indefinitely, on March 13th, 2018. The decision was made by a 5-judge constitution bench including Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra and Justices A.K Sikri, Ashok Bhushan A.M Khanwilkar and D.Y Chandrachud.
    Key Highlights 

    • The decision came after the supreme court got a group of pleas looking for a stay on the Union Government's conclusion of compulsory linking of Aadhaar with various wellbeing plans, including vital services like banking and mobile phones.
    • In its governing, the bench informed that the time limit for connecting personal accounts and plans to the UIN stand prolonged till the court finalise on its validity.
    • The apex court made it clear that Aadhar will continue to be compulsory for direct profit transfers under social welfare plans.
      Did you know?
    • In June 2017, The Union Government declared Aadhaar number compulsory for opening fresh bank accounts.
    • It also declared that all current bank accounts will have to be connected with Aadhaar, otherwise the accounts will be announced invalid.
    • However, requesters approached the Supreme Court stimulating the validity of Aadhaar card by saying that it dishonoured the right to privacy. 
    • On 24th August 2017, a 9-judge Constitution bench governed that the Right of Privacy was a Fundamental Right under the Constitution.
    • The Government freshly informed the constitution bench led by Chief Justice Dipak Misra that if required, it could prolong the March 31st time limit for connecting Aadhaar.
    • The time limit to connect the Aadhaar number to different services and plans was earlier formed for September 30th, 2017, following which it was stretched to December 31st, 2018 and then again to March 31st, 2018. 

    Tuberculosis Free India Campaign launched by - Union Government

    Indian PM, Narendra Modi inaugurated a campaign to eliminate TB from India by 2025, 5 years in advance than the globally decided last line on March 13th, 2018. The campaign was inaugurated following the launching of the Delhi End TB Summit, which is being co organised by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, WHO South East Asia Regional Office and Stop TB Partnership.
    Key Highlights 

    • The Tuberculosis free India Campaign will take the actions under the National Strategic Plan for tuberculosis eradication forward in a assignment mode. 
    • The National Strategic Plan for tuberculosis eradication is funded by more than 12,000 crore rupees over the coming 3 years to make sure that every tuberculosis patient has facility to a quality diagnosis and treatment. 
    • The aim for eliminating the terminal disease in India has been marked for 2025, 5 years in advance of the global aim of 2030.  
    • The new National Strategic Plan will accept a multiple approach that targets to spot all tuberculosis patients with an importance on reaching tuberculosis patients looking for care from private service providers and under- diagnosed tuberculosis in high-risk residents. 

    Did you know?

    • The WHO acknowledged TB as an emergency condition 25-year before. More than 10 million people suffer from tuberculosis annually. 
    • Tuberculosis was accountable for 1.7 million deceases in 2016, notwithstanding most cases being curable.
    • WHO South-East Asia Region, as well as India, which crowds about one-fourth of the worldwide population, shares an uneven 46% worldwide tuberculosis disease burden.

    Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India signs MoU with Reserve Bank of India on - 12th March 2018

    The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India-IBBI signed a MoU with the RBI, on March 12th, 2018. 
    The Memorandum of Understanding was inked by Executive Director of the RBI, Sudarshan Sen and Executive Director of the IBBI, Dr.Mamta Suri, during the fourth conference of the Insolvency Law Committee at New Delhi.
    Highlights of the MoU

    • Under the Memorandum of Understanding, the Reserve Bank of India and the IBBI will work in collaboration for the actual execution of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 and its associated rules and guidelines. 
    • The Memorandum of Understanding delivers for sharing of data among the Reserve Bank of India and the IBBI, focus to the restrictions forced by the applicable laws.
    • It calls for exchange of resources available with each other to the possible limits.
      Both the sides will plan periodic conferences to debate issues such as enforcement cases, research and information analysis, IT and information sharing.

    IBBI and Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016

    • The IBC, 2016 (Code) delivers for reorganisation and insolvency resolution of business persons, partnership companies and individuals in a deadline manner.
    • The Code looks forward to encourage private enterprise, availability of credit and efforts for balancing the interests of all the shareholders.
    • It consists of an institutional infrastructure relating the IBBI, Adjudicating Authorities, insolvency experts, insolvency expert firms and information services.
    • The IBBI also applies guidelines for business insolvency resolution, individual insolvency resolution, business liquidation and individual bankruptcy under the Code.