Question Detail Ctrl + D is short cut used for ? Open Dialogue BoxFont Dialogue BoxSave as Dialogue BoxSave Dialogue Box Answer: Option B Similar Questions : 1. How to use Format Painter multiple times ? By Click on Lock Format Painter IconFormat Painter cannot be use multiple timesBy Double Click on the Format Painter IconNone of above Answer: Option C 2. Which of these toolbars allows changing of Fonts and their sizes ? StandardFormattingOptionsNone of above Answer: Option B 3. What is gutter margin ? Margin that is added to right margin when printingMargin that is added to the left margin when printingMargin that is added to the outside of the page when printingMargin that is added to the binding side of page when printing Answer: Option D 4. What we call to that character which is raised and smaller above the base line ? RaisedSmallerQuotient Superscript Answer: Option D 5. Which of the following is not the part of standard office suite ? DatabaseFile ManagerImage EditorFile Presentation Answer: Option B Read more from - MS Office Questions Answers