Question Detail CRC stands for ? Cyclic redundancy checkCyclic redundancy clockClocking redundancy checkClock redundancy check Answer: Option A Similar Questions : 1. Which parameter defines number of times electron beam scans screen in a second ? Data transfer rateRefresh ratePitch rateParity rate Answer: Option B 2. Which among following determines the address of I/O interface ? chip selectregister selectboth of abovenone of above Answer: Option C 3. MSD stands for ? Many significant digitMost significant digitBoth a and bNone of above Answer: Option B 4. Which consist if a numbers of processor can be accessed among various shared memory modules ? Coupled memory multiprocessorDistributed memory multiprocessorShared memory multiprocessorNone of above Answer: Option C 5. Assembler work in two phases ? TRUEFALSE Answer: Option A Read more from - Computer Awareness Questions Answers - Set 3