Computer System Architecture Questions Answers

  • 57. An instruction code must specify the address of the ?

    1. Operand
    2. Opecode
    3. Both of above
    4. None of above
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option A

  • 58. UMA stands for ?

    1. Unit memory access
    2. Uniform memory access
    3. Unit memory array
    4. Unit metadata access
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option B

  • 59. Which types of register holds a single vector containing at least two read ports and one write ports ?

    1. Data system
    2. Vector register
    3. Database
    4. Memory
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option B

  • 60. Which register is memory pointer ?

    1. Source index
    2. Instruction register
    3. Stack pointer
    4. Program counter
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option D

  • 61. In which of the following status flags required for data transfer are present ?

    1. Interface Circuit
    2. Parallel Line
    3. Device Circuit
    4. None of Above
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option A