Computer System Architecture Questions Answers

  • 22. __ is a single control line that informs destination unit that a valid is available on the bus ?

    1. Ping
    2. Token
    3. Handshake
    4. Strobe
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option D

  • 23. Which technique has one or more control signal for acknowledgement that is used for intimation ?

    1. Ftp
    2. Ping
    3. Strobe
    4. Handshaking
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option D

  • 24. A keyboard has which type of asynchronous transfer mode ?

    1. Serial
    2. Parralel
    3. Optimal
    4. Joint
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option A


    In serial transfer each bit is sent one after the another in a sequence of event and requires just one line.

  • 25. Which technique helps processor to run a program concurrently with input output operations ?

    1. IOP
    2. DMA
    3. Interrupt driven I/O
    4. DCA
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option C

  • 26. Which exception is also known software interrupt ?

    1. Trap
    2. Call
    3. System Call
    4. All of above
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option C

  • 27. User programs interact with I/O devices through ?

    1. Operating System
    2. Hardware
    3. Buses
    4. Processor
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option A

  • 28. Which table handle store address of interrupt handling subroutine ?

    1. Vector table
    2. Symbol link table
    3. Interrupt vector table
    4. None of above
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option C