Computer Awareness Questions Answers - Set 2

  • 43. What is full form of ANSI ?

    1. American National Standards Institute
    2. Asia National Standards Institute
    3. American National School Institute
    4. Asia National School Institute
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option A

  • 44. LAN card is also known as ?

    1. Modem
    2. NIC
    3. Hub
    4. Switch
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option B

  • 45. Firmware is stored in ?

    1. RAM
    2. Cache
    3. ROM
    4. Hard Disk
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option C

  • 46. Computer security can be increased by using ?

    1. Firewall
    2. Antivirus
    3. Password
    4. All of above
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option D

  • 47. When a document is opened in computer it is temporarily stored in ?

    1. Hard Disk
    2. RAM
    3. ROM
    4. All of above
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option B

  • 48. Set of instructions which instructs computer to perform certain task is called ?

    1. Debugger
    2. Assembler
    3. Program
    4. Flowchart
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option C

  • 49. What is the meaning of FTP ?

    1. File Training Protocol
    2. File Transfer Protocol
    3. File Transit Protocol
    4. File Tracking Protocol
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option B