Computer Awareness Questions Answers - Set 1
29. ROM is non volatile.
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option A
ROM is non volatile means data will not be erased when computer is turned off.
30. Random Access Memory (RAM) is which storage of device ?
- Primay
- Secondary
- Teriary
- Off line
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option A
31. Random Access Memory (RAM) is non volatile in nature.
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option B
Random Access Memory (RAM) is volatile in nature.
32. What is full form CMOS ?
- Content Metal Oxide Semiconductor
- Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
- Complementary Metal Oxygen Semiconductor
- Complementary Metal Oscilator Semiconductor
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option B
33. Second generation of computers consist of which of following ?
- Vaccum Tubes
- Diodes
- VLSI Microprocessor
- Transistors
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option D
34. MPG is an file extension of which type of files ?
- Audio
- Image
- Video
- Flash
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option C
35. What is full form of SMPS ?
- Switch Mode Power Supply
- Simple Mode Power Supply
- Storage Mode Power Supply
- Storage Mode Power Shortage
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option A