• SSC CGL Syllabus for Tier I Exam

    Updated : 16-Jun-2017
    SSC CGL Syllabus for Tier I Exam

    The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has announced a Combined Graduate Level (CGL) exam for this year. With this exam only, the SSC will recruit for various posts such as Assistant Audit Officer, Assistant, Income Tax Inspector, Sub Inspector, Auditor, Statistical Investigator etc.

    However, the written exam will be conducted in four (4) parts –

    ·       Tier I will be a preliminary examination

    ·       Only when you will pass the Tier I exam then only you will be eligible for Tier II examination. Please note - the marks of both the papers count towards the final total. Also both these exams will be MCQs and will be conducted ONLINE.

    ·       Tier III is a Descriptive English/Hindi Language paper that will be conducted on pen and paper.

    ·       Tier IV will be a Computer Proficiency Test or Data Entry Skill Test for certain posts.

     So if you are a student and thinking of preparing for SSC CGL, then be ready and make the exam Tier I your first priority. Before you start your preparation, you should make your mind first and then you should have knowledge, which topics are important and which chapters is having high weightage in the exam.

     Here are the following detailed SSC CGL syllabus for Tier I exam, which will give you a section-wise preparation strategy along with an overall look for all topics in the syllabus. It will also help you out in the mark distribution so that you can decide which topics to be prepared first and also how much time to devote to them.

    SSC CGL Tier I Exam pattern–





    Reasoning & General Intelligence



    75 minutes Total

    General Awareness



    For VH & Candidates

    Quantitative Aptitude



    suffering from




    Cerebral Palsy




    100 minutes

    There will be a negative marking of 0.5 marks for every wrong answer in the Tier I exam.

    Section wise syllabus

    Detailed Tier I Exam SSC CGL Syllabus


    Reading Comprehension

    ·       Passage – It can be on any topic.

    ·       Fact based Questions and can be directly picked out of the passage. Sometimes vocabulary questions are asked. A mix of grammar and vocabulary based questions. 

     Fill Ups

    Phrasal verbs, conjunctions, usage in context, confusing words, prepositions, tenses.


    ·Finding the correctly spelt word or the misspelt word from different words.

    Phrase Meaning

    The meaning of the phrase or idiom will be asked in a sentence or directly.

    Synonyms and Antonyms

    One word given with four options to choose the right one (either synonyms or antonyms).

    You can prepare a list of commonly asked words to answer this part and score full marks.

     One Word Substitution

    ·       One word substitution for the given phrase.

    ·       Go through a list of the one word substitutions from previous papers and solve questions for thorough practice.

     Phrase Replacement/ Sentence Correction

    Important Topics:

    Degree of Comparison, Tenses, Subject-Verb Agreement, Article-Noun Agreement, Correct Part of Speech, Correct Prepositions, Parallelism, Phrasal Verbs, Sentence Construction, Correct use of different parts of speech, easily confusing words, Usage in Context.

    Error Finding

    Important Topics:

    Tenses, Correct Part of Speech, Correct use of Prepositions, Parallelism, Phrasal Verbs, Sentence Construction, Correct use of different parts of speech, Subject-Verb Agreement, Article-Noun Agreement, Degree of Comparison.

    Do not guess too much in these questions as some questions are tricky.

    General Awareness

    Questions will be primarily on static, Science and other miscellaneous stuff.

    Important Topics in Static

    Culture, Indian History, Economics, Politics, Geography (Indian + World) etc.

    Important Topics in Science

    Physics + Space Science, Biology, Chemistry, Diseases, pollution, Nutrition etc.

     Important Topics in miscellaneous stuff

    Current Affairs, Misc. GK- Sports, People in News, Books etc.

    Quantitative Aptitude

    Important Topics

    Simplification , Interest, Percentage , Ratio and Proportion , Average, Problems on Ages , Speed Time And Distance , Profit and Loss , Number Series , Number System , Mensuration , Data Interpretation , Mixture problems , Time and Work, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry.

     General Intelligence & Reasoning

     Important Topics

    Coding Decoding, puzzle, Matrix, Word formation, arranging words in Meaningful order or Dictionary order, Venn diagram, Directions & Distances, Blood Relations, Missing Number, series, Non Verbal Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Analogy, and Classification.

    These topics have been written on the basis of the past question papers released. Aspiring candidates are requested to go through the latest syllabus which is supposed to release along with the exam notification.