• SSC CGL Syllabus for Tier I Exam

    Updated : 16-Jun-2017
    SSC CGL Syllabus for Tier I Exam

    The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has announced a Combined Graduate Level (CGL) exam for this year. With this exam only, the SSC will recruit for various posts such as Assistant Audit Officer, Assistant, Income Tax Inspector, Sub Inspector, Auditor, Statistical Investigator etc.

    However, the written exam will be conducted in four (4) parts – 

    • Tier I will be a preliminary examination 

    • Only when you will pass the Tier I exam then only you will be eligible for Tier II examination. Please note - the marks of both the papers count towards the final total. Also both these exams will be MCQs and will be conducted ONLINE. 

    •Tier III is a Descriptive English/Hindi Language paper that will be conducted on pen and paper. 

    •Tier IV will be a Data Entry Skill Test or a Computer Proficiency Test for certain posts.

    So if you are a student and thinking of preparing for SSC CGL, then be ready and make the exam Tier I your first priority. Before you start your preparation, you should make your mind first and then you should have knowledge, which topics are important and which chapters is having high weightage in the exam. 

    Following is the detailed SSC CGL syllabus for Tier I exam, which will gives a section-wise preparation strategy along with an overall look for all topics in the syllabus. It will also help you out in the mark distribution so that you can decide which topics to be prepared first and also how much time to devote to them.

    SSC CGL Tier I Exam pattern– 

    Subject                                                     QuestionsMarksTime

    Reasoning & General Intelligence                           25        50          75 minutes Total

    General Awareness                                            2550          For VH & Candidates

    Quantitative Aptitude                                             2550               suffering from

    English                                                             2550                  Cerebral Palsy:

    Total                                                                       100200            100 minutes

    There will be a negative marking of 0.5 marks for each wrong answer in the Tier I exam.

    Section wise syllabus

    Detailed SSC CGL Syllabus for Tier I Exam – 

    English Language

    Priority SetNature of QuestionsTopicWeightage (# of Questions)Approach


    1. Scoring

    2. Easy to Solve

    3. High Accuracy Possible

    4. Time ConsumingReading Comprehension5 (1 passage)The passage could be on any topic.

    Questions are mostly fact based and can be directly picked out of the passage. Sometimes vocabulary questions are asked on commonly used words.

    II.1. Scoring

    2. Easy to Solve

    3. High Accuracy Possible

    4. Quick SolveFill in the Blanks0-5A mix of grammar and vocabulary based questions.

    Important topics:

    Phrasal verbs, conjunctions, prepositions, tenses, usage in context, confusing words



     Choose the correctly spelt word or the misspelt word from different words.

    The same word can be spelt in different ways and you are asked to select the correct spelling.

    III.1. Moderate to High Score Possible

    2. Moderately Time Consuming

    3. Moderate to High Accuracy PossiblePhrase or Idiom Meaning

     0-2Easy to moderate difficulty level

    The meaning of the phrase or idiom can be asked in a sentence.

    The meaning can also be asked directly.

      Synonyms and Antonyms


     One word given with four options to choose from, (either synonyms or antonyms).

    Rarely the words can be given in sentences.

    Prepare a list of commonly asked words to answer this part and score full marks.


    One Word Substitution3-5Substitute one word for the phrase given.

    Go through a list of the one word substitutions from past papers and solve questions on one word substitution.

    IV.1. Moderately Scoring

    2. Time Consuming

    3. Moderate Accuracy PossiblePhrase Replacement/ Sentence Correction5A mix of grammar and vocabulary Based questions.

    Important Topics:

    Tenses, Subject-Verb Agreement, Article-Noun Agreement, Correct Part of Speech, Correct use of Prepositions, Parallelism, Phrasal Verbs, Sentence Construction, Degree of Comparison, Correct use of different parts of speech, Easily confusing words, Usage in Context, Avoid guessing too much in these questions. Be aware of no improvement questions

    Error Spotting3-5Grammar based

    Important Topics:

    Tenses, Subject-Verb Agreement, Article-Noun Agreement, Correct Part of Speech, Correct use of Prepositions, Parallelism, Phrasal Verbs, Sentence Construction, Degree of Comparison, Correct use of different parts of speech.

    Avoid guessing too much in these questions as some questions are tricky.

    General Awareness

    ChapterTopicWeightage (# Question)Total Weightage of Chapter


    Indian History2-3

    Geography (Indian + World)2-3






    Physics + Space Science1-2

    Computer and Mobile Technology1-2

    Diseases, pollution1-2


    OthersCurrent Affairs0-12

    Misc. GK- Sports, People In News, Books0-1

    Dates, Portfolios, Schemes0-1

     Quantitative Aptitude

    Priority OrderNature of questionsTopicWeightage (# Question)Approach

    I.1. Scoring

    2. Easy to Solve

    3. Less time consuming

    4. More accuracySimplification1-2Questions on BODMAS, Fractions, , Surds and Indices etc.

    Interest1-2Problems on Simple, Compound Interests and Installments

    Percentage0-1Calculation oriented basic Percentage Problems

    Ratio and Proportion1-2Problems on Simple, Compound Ratios and Direct/Indirect Proportions

    Average0-1Problems on Average Weight/Height/Marks etc.

    Problems on Ages0-1Basic Problems on Ages

    II.1. Scoring

    2. Easy if proper steps are followed carefully

    3. More time consumingSpeed Time And Distance1-2Problems on Average/Relative speeds, Boats, Trains etc.

    Profit and Loss1-2Problems on Profit/Loss, Dishonest/Successive dealings, Partnerships etc.

    Number Series0-1Moderate to difficult problems on Completing the series, Finding Missing/Wrong Term

    Number System1-2Moderate problems on LCM and HCF, Irrational or Rational Numbers, Proper steps should be followed to solve irrational to rational numbers

    Mensuration2-3Problems on Plane Figures such as Square, Rectangle, Circles, Cone, Cylinder etc.

    Data Interpretation0-3Problems on Bar/Line Graphs, Pie Charts, Tables etc.

    III.1. Tricky

    2. Might take more time than usual

    3. Lesser chances of solving

     correctlyTime and Work1-2Problems on Work efficiency, Wages and Pipes etc.

    Mixture problems0-1To Make A Mixture From Two Or More Entities/Mixtures

    Algebra2-3Basic Linear Equations in one or two variables, Quadratic and Algebraic Identities are important. Remember all the identities

    Geometry3-4Problems related to Triangles congruency, Similarity theorems, Circle chords and tangent theorems, Co-ordinate geometry etc.

    Remember all the theorems.

    Trigonometry2-3Problems based on Trigonometric ratios and Identities, Height and Distance etc…

    Remember all the Trigonometric Identities.


    General Intelligence & Reasoning

    Nature of QuestionsChaptersWeightage (# of Questions)Approach

    1. Scoring

    2. Easy to Solve

    3. Less Time Consuming

    4. Sometimes a bit DifficultClassification2-3Number, Letter, General Knowledge and Meaningful Words based questions.

    Analogy2-3Letter, Number, General Knowledge and Meaning based questions.

    Coding Decoding2-3Questions on Coding by Analogy, Coding and decoding by letter shifting, and Coding Letters of a Word.

    Could also include, Coding and decoding in fictitious language.

    Puzzle2-3Number based puzzles like 7 × 5 × 6 × 5 = 6575, then 8 × 7 × 4 × 6 = ?


    Find the correct equation type questions.


    Quant based questions like on age, speed and distance.


    Seating arrangement questions.

    1. Easy to Solve

    2. High Accuracy possible

    3. May be time consumingMatrix0-11 or 2 Matrix of letters with numbers are given from which correct set of numbers for given word is to find out.

    Word formation1-2From the given word find whether the given option words can be formed or not.

    Arranging words in Meaningful order or Dictionary order1-2It can be meaningful order of doing a certain task, or following a certain rule.

    In dictionary order words are to be arranged according to dictionary sequence in ascending or descending order.

    1. Easy to Solve

    2. High Accuracy possible

    3. Less Time ConsumingVenn diagram0-2Problems based on Venn Diagram

    Directions & Distances0-1Simple problems that can be solved by just drawing all information on paper.

    1. May be Time Consuming

    2. May be trickyBlood Relations0-1Family Tree problems or General Blood Relation Problems.

    May be asked.

    Missing Number1-2Find the missing number from the given matrix or diagram.

    Series2-3Mainly questions on Number & Alphabet series.

    1. Scoring

    2. Sometimes a bit Difficult

    3. Visual imagination is requiredNon Verbal Reasoning3-4Questions like Complete the pattern, Assemble Image, Mirror Image, Hidden Image, Counting Figures.

    Figure based Analogy/Classification/Series or cube based questions may be asked.

    1. May be tricky

    2. Sometimes a bit Difficult

    3. Time ConsumingVerbal Reasoning0-2Questions on Statements and Conclusions, Statements and Inferences, Statements and Assumptions, Assertion and Reason.

    Questions on Course of Action & Statements and Arguments can also be asked.

     Please Note - This is the expected pattern based on previous years’ weightage as well as the new pattern announced.