• RBI Grade B Officers Exam - Admit Card information

    Updated : 24-Oct-2017
    RBI Grade B Officers Exam - Admit Card information

    RBI Bank releases recruitment announcement of Grade B Officer (General, DEPR, and DSIM) every year. After closing of filling online application form, the department will be going to conduct Pre Examination mostly in the third Week of June. Candidates who had filled online form for Officer Jobs are advice to print their RBI Grade B Admit Card. To get more information about RBI Hall Ticket, Pre & Mains Exam Date etc. you can check from the details given below.

     Download RBI Admit Card for RBI Grade B Officers Exam

    Aspirants who are willing to attend Phase I Examination are informed that the Reserve Bank of India Admit Card for Officer Jobs will be issued on official website 10 days before examination. You should be constantly in touch with the required personnel for the same. Entitled candidates can easily download the RBI Officer Grade B Hall Ticket by using their Registration ID & DOB.

     Aspirants who are naive in downloading a Admit card should check given below steps, which are helpful for downloading. If candidates did not receive their RBI Grade B Officer Hall Ticket, they should report immediately on official Website & Helpline No. as well.

     Steps to download RBI Admit Card for Grade B Officer Vacancy

    Eligible candidates can download their RBI Officer admit card from here by using the following steps:

    • Firstly candidates visit to the official website www.rbi.org.in.
    • Now click on Download Reserve Bank of India Hall Ticket link.
    • Furnish all the required information in form properly like Reg. No. & ID etc.
    • Click on submit button.
    • Now your admit card will be shown on screen, check all information from permission letter is as per your knowledge.
    • The aspirants after downloading the Admit Card should take a printout of the same to avoid any later contingency. You should keep the Call Letter safely until the entire recruitment process is over.
    • The aspirants will have to bring the hard copy of the Admit Card along with other required documents to the examination center on the day of examination.
    • Candidates failing to bring the RBI Grade B Admit Card will not be allowed to enter the examination center, so please make sure you bring it without fail.

     Particulars about RBI Officer Grade B Recruitment Notification   :

     Let's talk about Phase I exam.  RBI Officer Grade B Admit Card will be issued on official website before the examination in the given time frame for aspirants. Entire exam related information including candidate’s particulars will be mentioned on Reserve Bank of India Call letter. Candidates are advised to verify the same from RBI Official website as well.

     The Selection Method & Exam Procedure:

    The Selection of the candidates for RBI Officer Vacancy will be based on Pre Exam, mains Exam & Interview collectively. Final merit list will be determining the basis of Marks obtained in the examination. Aspirants can also check more details about Examination from RBI Exam Syllabus at RBI official website (https://www.rbi.org.in).  Thorough knowledge of syllabus will going to be very helpful for those candidates who are preparing for examination with full swing.

     Assessment Pattern for Pre Exam is as follows:

    In the beginning all candidates call for Pre Examination, assessment will be objective type in nature which contain 200 questions, 1 mark each with a total of 200 Marks. Stipulated Time duration of Exam will be two Hours. Assessment will be containing questions of General Awareness, English, Reasoning & Quantitative Aptitude and more. There will be negative marking of .25 against every wrong attempt in examination so candidates are advised to be very careful about the same.

    Aspirants need to get minimum passing for qualifying the Pre Written examination. Selected candidates will then appear in Mains. Further candidates, who score the minimum required cutoff, will be eligible for the Interview round.   

      Required Documents to carry on the Day of Examination

    Aspirants who are willing to appear in assessment should carry photo Identity Proof & 2 –3 Passport size Photos along with. Candidates must also carry their RBI Grade B Admit Card on exam day with no fail.

    Tips to clear RBI – Grade B exam effectively.

    The English Descriptive paper for RBI Grade B is of 100 marks and its duration is 90 minutes. The essay writing portion carries good 40 marks, making it a high value topic and quite a one in which you can score good. Unlike other banking topics which you come across every now and then (Quantitative Analysis, reasoning, General Awareness etc), descriptive English ka maamla kuch alag hi hai! (Descriptive English paper is a different ballpark altogether). 

    It is because, as a banking exam aspirants, we are mentally conditioned to solve aptitude questions in a very agile manner, do quick calculations, apply logic and choose the correct option from the given options as there. Therefore naturally we dread and refrain from writing long essays and about topics we barely know about. Majority of applicants get nightmares about how they will write a 500+ words essay and clear the descriptive paper.

    Following some good techniques and writing thoroughly which you are well versed can fetch you very good marks and the examiner will be able to gauge that confidence in your writing and knowledge about the concerned topic.

    With a set of dedicated team and profound knowledge about the language we have prepared a proven strategy comprising of simple technique and tips to conquer the easy writing challenge. Though at first it might appear a little bit tedious at first, if you master them, there will be nothing stopping you from writing a good essay to a great one.

    These simple techniques also help in the longer run of your course of life while writing on any topic.  So what is the strategy for writing a great essay? Its elementary, get the following basic things right and you are ready to rock on:

    1. Correct Grammar
    2. Flow or structure of points
    3. Minimal knowledge about the topic and
    4. Decent vocabulary.

    We hope you have gathered all the required information you were searching for RBI Grade B officer recruitment. Wish you all the best for your exam.