• NET Exam

    Updated : 16-Jun-2017
    NET Exam

    CBSE conducts this NET Examination on behalf of UGC to determine the eligibility of Indian nationals for the Eligibility for Assistant Professor or Junior Research Fellowship & Eligibility for Assistant Professor in the Indian Universities and Colleges. CBSE conducts NET at 90 cities in 84 subjects across the country. 

    Candidates qualifying for Junior Research Fellowship award, are eligible to continue research in the subject of their post-graduation or in a related subject. In addition to that, they are also eligible for Assistant Professor Post. The Junior Research Fellow award and eligibility for Assistant Professor OR for Assistant Professor depends only on their performance in all the three parts of NET. While, the candidates qualifying for Assistant Professor will not be considered for JRF award. 

    CBSE role is only up to the conducting of NET Examination and result declaration. UGC- NET Bureau issue the e-certificates to qualified candidates. So, candidates declared qualified in this test are asked to contact Head, UGC NET Bureau, University of Delhi, South Campus, Benito Juarez Marg, New Delhi, Pin Code-110021, and Phone No. (011-24116316, 24115416, 24115419).  

    Eligibility Criteria for NET

    i) Candidates with minimum 55% marks in Master’s Degree OR equivalent examination from universities/institutions recognized by UGC in Humanities (including languages), Social Science, Computer Science &Applications, and Electronic Science etc. are eligible for this Test 

    The OBC /SC/ST/PWD category candidates who have secured at least 50% marks in Master’s degree or equivalent examination are eligible for this Test 

    ii) Candidates appeared OR appearing in the qualifying Master’s degree (final year) exams and whose result is still awaited or candidates whose qualifying examinations have been delayed may also apply for this test 

    But, these candidates will be admitted provisionally and shall be considered eligible for award of Junior Research Fellowship/eligibility for Assistant professor only after they have passed their Master’s Degree Exam OR equivalent with the required percentage. 

    iii) The PhD degree holders whose Master’s level examination had been completed by 19th September 1991 (irrespective of date of declaration of result) shall be eligible for a relaxation of 5% in aggregate marks to appear in NET 

    iv) Candidates are advised to appear in the subject of their post-graduation only. The candidates, whose post-graduation subject is not covered, may appear in a related subject.

    v) Candidates don’t need to send any certificates/documents/printout of their Application Form in support of their eligibility to CBSE. However, candidates, in their own interest can keep the same with them. In the event of any discrepancy found by UGC/CBSE at any stage, their candidature will be cancelled and they shall be liable for legal action.

    ii) Junior Research Fellowship

    Candidates qualifying for the Junior Research Fellowship award will be eligible to receive UGC fellowship in various schemes, subject to their placement in universities/IITs/institutions 

    This offer’s validity period is two years w.e.f. the date of issue of JRF Award Letter. However, in case candidates who have already joined MPhil/PhD, the date of commencement of fellowship will be from the NET result declaration date or date of their joining, whichever comes later.