• RRB ALP - General Reasoning Syllabus

    Updated : 16-Dec-2017
    RRB ALP - General Reasoning Syllabus

    General Intelligence/Reasoning: Discrimination, direction, rotation, Series, Analogies, blood relation, age calculation, sequence, symmetry, Differences, relations, judgments, figures and pictures, problem-solving, Mirror Images, Cubes and Dice, Number Series, Alphabet Series, Test of Direction Sense, Coding-Decoding etc

    Tips to prepare general reasoning section of RRB ALP

    General Intelligence/Reasoning: In General Intelligence/Reasoning, there is no limit to content which may be covered. But keep in mind; this will cover to evaluate your general intelligence. Generally, questions are asked in General Intelligence/Reasoning from series, direction, rotation, sequence, symmetry, relations, etc.

    RRB ALP Exam Pattern




    No. of Questions












    General Awareness




    90 Minutes



















    General intelligence






















    General Science











    Technical Ability


















    Some vital points to remember:

    • Gathering the Study Material

    Gathering best books among the standard ones are extremely vital for cracking ALP exam in the event that you work hard persistently and select the correct books for the ALP exam, and then you can without much of a stretch crack it. Applicants need to assemble and set up an accommodating and valuable examination material which contains the greater part of the subjects in the exams.

    • Take Mock Tests

    For cracking any exam, mock tests are the venturing stone which can help you to accomplish the first position in the exam. On the off chance that and just in the event that you endeavor an ever increasing number of mock tests once a day, at that point you will have the capacity to achieve great imprints. Mock tests enable you to understand the exam to design in subtle elements and the sort of questions asked in it.

    • Make a Proper Time Table

    An appropriate time table set aside a few minutes spaces allowed to every last subject will unquestionably help you to cover every one of the themes in time and this will support the shot of achievement in the exam. Continuously, preference must be given to essential themes and less prior topics can be prepared after that.

    • Analyzing Yourself

    Subsequent to taking every last mock test, analyze where you turned out badly and endeavor to know your feeble and solid areas so you can work on your frail areas and fortify up your solid areas.

    • Continuous Revisions

    The most ideal approach to review everything is a legitimate modification for all subjects time to time and it is a noteworthy key to progress. An appropriate and arranged modification, not day by day but rather in any event on a weekly basis will totally assist the applicants to retain the things which they have learned and will assist to apply while attempting the exam.

    Five Important to Keep in Mind

    • Get a good and comfortable sleep on the night before the examination so that you wake up fresh.
    • On the day of the exam, make sure that you depart your home early in order to reach the exam center easily and on time.
    • At the time of the exam, don’t spoil in guesswork because the level of negative marking is quite high.
    • Keep your hall ticket and all the required documents handy for inspection at the exam center.

    RRB ALP and Technician Selection Process

    Railways will hold written exam or computer based tests in order to recruit aspirants to the post of ALP and Technician post. And can be seen that RRB ALP usually exam dates are from January to March. Also, Railways last held recruitment examination in online mode only. Therefore it is predictable that RRB ALP recruitment paper will also be computer based tests.

    For selection of Assistant Loco Pilot

    • There will be objective type question.
    • Questions are almost certainly going to be on General Awareness, Arithmetic, General Intelligence and reasoning, General Science and technical ability.
    • There may be hundred to one hundred and twenty questions.

    Railway Online registration process

     Candidates must have a legitimate portable number and email id at the season of filling RRB shape and till the declaration of result.

    • Railway Apply online applications will be rejected if connected in more than 1 RRB for RRB Online Test.
    • The competitor ought to have the imperative Educational/Technical capabilities from perceived University/Institute as on the end date of accommodation of the RRB shape.
    • At the season of filling the railway form, candidates must keep all the Academic Certificates close-by as they require their imprints subtle elements for filling Indian rail line online shape.
    • Applicants must keep 3-4 duplicates of same photo utilized as a part of filling RRB Online Application Form, as these will be required in the later phases of Recruitment after RRB online shape accommodation.


    RRB ALP & Technician Notification 2017 is expected to be released soon for approx 23801 Vacancies by the Railway Recruitment Board of Indian Railways. RRB ALP Recruitment 2017 is expected to be released notification in November month at indianrailways.gov.in (official website). RRB ALP Application From 2017 submission will be stated from 15th Nov and interested candidates will be able to apply till 1st December 2017. Candidates, who are interested and want to be a govt. employee in Railway Recruitment Board, should first check the eligibility criteria of Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) and Technician Grade III.

    Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) is a government organization in India. It was set up in the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board), New Delhi in 1998. It has many objectives like Formulation of policy in regard to recruitment processes. It is responsible to monitor the activities of RRBs including expense incurred for recruitment. Railway Recruitment Boards is also responsible to manage the joining of new employees for working in Indian railways. There are total 21 boards such as Ahmadabad, Ajmer, Allahabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Bilaspur, Chandigarh, Chennai, Gorakhpur, Guwahati, Jammu and Kashmir, Kolkata, Malda, Mumbai, Muzaffarpur, Patna, Ranchi, Secunderabad, Siliguri, and Thiruvantha-puram.

    Hope you found all the necessary information on RRB ALP General Awareness section and RRB ALP details and if you have any queries, suggestions, complaints or question please mention them in the comment section and we will try to resolve them to make you aware of all the queries. To keep yourself updated, check more articles on our website.