• NABARD Exam: Syllabus, Eligibility, Tips Tricks

    Updated : 13-Nov-2017
    NABARD Exam: Syllabus, Eligibility, Tips Tricks

    (NABARD) is a major development budgetary institution in India which is headquartered at Bombay in India. The institution has been dealing with "matters concerning policy, planning and operations in the field of credit for agriculture and other economic activities in rural areas in India from a very long time". NABARD as an institution has a major contribution in developing financial inclusion policy and is a major member of the Alliance for Financial Inclusion in India.


    1. Prelims Exam – online which will be in the form of objective MCQs)
    2. Mains Exam – online in the form of objective MCQs and Descriptive
    3. Interview is the last stage of this exam

    Every year NABARD makes certain changes in the Phase 1 or the phase 2 exam pattern extensively. It has boosted the weight age marks of Economics, Agriculture & Rural Development subjects & reduced the weight age of Reasoning & Quantitative keeping the overall weight age same i.e. 200 Marks .

    Syllabus for NABARD Preliminery Exam

    1. English Syllabus for NABARD

    (1) Reading Comprehension

    • Total No. of Qs: 10-15
    • Total Topics: The passage will be focused on topics like Banking & Economy, Business, and Social Issues and many more. Questions will be based on Fact and Inference, Vocab & Theme, Antonyms & Synonyms and so on.

    (2) Error Spotting, Phrase Replacement

    • Total No. of Qs: 5-10
    • Total Topics: Error Spotting, Phrase Replacement/ Sentence Correction.

    (3) Cloze Test

    • Total No. of Qs: 8-10
    • Total Topics: We are given a single passage with some blanks in it. You have to choose the apt option that fit in the blank & goes with the rhythm of the passage.

    (4) Para Jumbles

    • Total No. of Qs: 5
    • Total Topics: Arrange the sentences in a proper order so it forms a meaningful paragraph, find the odd sentence in it.

    2. Reasoning Syllabus for NABARD

    (1) Syllogisms

    • total No. of Qs: 2-3
    • Total Topics: Direct questions with 2-3 statements & 2-3 conclusions, possibility based questions, negative information based questions in them.

    (2) Arrangement

    • total No. of Qs: 8-10 
    • Total Topics: Uni & Bi-directional problems on linear, circular, square, rectangular, hexagonal tables, Matrix Arrangement. May be combined with other information to make it difficult as well.

    (3) Inequalities

    • Total No. of Qs: 2-3
    • Total Topics: Mathematical Inequalities, Coded Inequalities

    (4) Machine Input Output

    • Total No. of Qs: 3-5
    • Total Topics: Pattern based on shifting, arrangement, mathematical operation, miscellaneous approach or other patterns.

    (5) Comparison

    • Total No. of Qs: 1-2
    • Total Topics: Arranging by order & ranking, ages, height, weight etc.

    (6) Data Sufficiency

    • Total No. of Qs: 1-2
    • Total Topics: Questions based on Blood Relations, Coding decoding, Circular Arrangements, Directions & Distances, and Ages & Birthdates as well.

    3. Quantitative Syllabus for NABARD

    (1) Data Interpretation                                                                         

    • Total No. of Qs: 8-10
    • Total Topics: Line Graphs, Bar Graphs, Pie Charts, Tables, Miscellaneous Info graphics, Missing Data Type.

    (2) Mensuration

    • Total No. of Qs: 2-3
    • Total Topics: Area/Volume of Square, Rectangle, Trapezium, Parallelogram, Rhombus, Circle, Semicircle, Triangle, Cone, Cylinder, Cube, Cuboids. Also, Molding from one shape to another etc.

    (3) Number Series

    • Total No. of Qs: 2-3

    (4) Miscellaneous Questions

    • Total No. of Qs: 8-10
    • Total Topics: Average, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion, Time Speed Distance, Boat & Stream, Profit & Loss, Simple & Compound Interest, Time & Work, and Problems on Age, Probability, Permutation & Combination, etc.

    4. Computer Awareness Syllabus for NABARD

    This section is for twenty Marks itself. If you have a basic knowledge of computer & use computer in your daily life then you can easily get the good score in it. To prepare for computer knowledge just go through the topics like Internet, Memory, Keyword Shortcuts, Computer Abbreviations, Microsoft Office, Computer Hardware & Software, Operating Systems, Networking, Computer Fundamental Technologies as well. This will make your basic skills of computers sharp and help you score better in it

    5. General Awareness Syllabus for NABARD

    This section is for twenty Marks as well. Basically, the current affair of last six months is expected. Some of the questions are also asked from banking & financial awareness, static G.K parts as well. So keep yourself updated with the surrounding for latest events taking place and know how.

    6. Economic and Social Issues Syllabus for NABARD

    This section is for 40 Marks. Majority of the questions in this section are based the Government schemes, economic policies and banking as well.