• NABARD Entrance Exam Preparation Tips and Tricks

    Updated : 16-Nov-2017


     is a major development budgetary institution in India which is headquartered at Bombay in India. NABARD as an institution has a major contribution in developing financial inclusion policy and is a major member of the Alliance for Financial Inclusion in India.The institution has been dealing with "matters concerning policy, planning and operations in the field of credit for agriculture and other economic activities in rural areas in India from a very long time". NABARD virtually ploughs back all the profits for development spending, in their unending search for solutions and answers from it. This organization has developed a huge amount of trust capital in its 3 decades of hard work with rural communities in India

    NABARD process partnered with about 4000 partner-organizations in grounding many of the interventions be it, tribal communities’ livelihoods initiative, watershed approach in soil and water conservation, increasing crop productivity initiatives through lead crop initiative or dissemination of information flow to agrarian communities through Farmer clubs in it. Despite all this ongoing activities, it pays huge taxes too, to the exchequer – figuring in the top tax payers consistently from it.

    Tips and  Tricks to clear NABARD Exam

    Now we will discuss about some tips and tricks to clear an exam which will give you an holistic view how to do management strategy and  segregate your time and effort to each section to score a good score in the exam.

    1. Have a shorter study period:

    Don’t keep your study period too long if you really want to excel in an exam as it loses the charm of it. It is really better to break your study sessions than going into a marathon and cramming and mugging up for the same. The best thing about long sessions is that they can help you cover a lot of stuff at one go but the downside is that it could really make you feel tired and frustrated and bothersome and that is something you should avoid if you are aiming to ace a competitive exam for its fullest.

    Study for two hours straight if you have a strong sitting plan for it. Take a 15 to 20 minutes break in which you can wash your face, eat something light and then get back again. Taking breaks is really important and helps wonder while studying.

    2. Sync the timetable of your school with the home study schedule:

    Whenever you see your teacher covering a topic in class, make sure to cover it as soon as possible so that you can revise the topic from beforehand than to make it a last minute mugging session. Also make sure to prepare the notes for revision which helps a lot as it is tailor made totally according to your own preference.

    3. Plan your study time:

    Before you sit to study, make sure you have planned things like what and how much you have to read or memorize, giving you a set goal for it. Planning things well in advance always helps wonders. Know what you are going to cover on which day and how you will be revising before your exam for it helps you score effectively in exam.

    It can really help you do well in an exam and over all making strategic planning helps in almost every field of life. People who plan before are able to do much better than people who don’t in life.

    4. Take small breaks:

    Next time you must really remember to take a few small breaks which are a great breather sessions for you while you are working off for an exam. Taking breaks is very important as if you study too much at one go, you may not remember a thing during exams.

    Learning in chunks and pieces helps a lot. If you are studying all morning, try to take some hours off during the evening and play a game or something which will refresh your mind and will motivate you more when you bounce back for studying.

    The whole point of doing all this exercise here is to study hard but not so hard that you can’t cope with it . Make things simpler for yourself by doing the right stuff at the right time!

    5. Keep yourself far away from distractions:

    This is one of the quite important tips for exam. Remember that you should be far away from any sort of potential distraction when you are studying or getting ready for an exam as it can massively hinder your performance and sitting time to be given for exam. If the place you are studying has a lot of noise, then you should go somewhere there is peace like - Library.

    Don’t allow yourself to be distracted by these petty things as your focus is much more important than anything which comes at bay. They could really take up a whole lot of time and pulling up yourself again takes a lot of mental effort.

    6. Study during the early hours of the day:

    Another thing you can do is study during the wee hours of the day especially if the topics are difficult as you can manage and maneuver distractions and focus more clearly. The best time to study is in the morning itself as you have less things in you mind .