Question Detail Classes in c++ are ? Fundamental data typePrimitive data typeDesired data typeNot defined Answer: Option C Similar Questions : 1. 66. A constructor function is generally defined In the private section of a classIn the public section of a classIn the protected section of a classNone of the above Answer: Option B 2. Operator overloading is ? giving new meaning to existing c++ operatorsmaking c++ operators work with objectsgiving c++ operators more than they can handlemaking new c++ operators Answer: Option A 3. We can do constructor overloading in C++ ? TrueFalse Answer: Option BExplanation:constructor overloading can be done in C++. 4. C++ is a ? Procedural programming languageStructural programming languageLow level languageObject oriented programming language Answer: Option D 5. Can we define array of classes in c++ ? YesNo Answer: Option A Read more from - C++ Programming Questions Answers - Set 2