Chemistry Questions Answers

  • 57. The Chemical Symbol of Sodium is

    1. So
    2. Sd
    3. Na
    4. Nu
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option C

  • 58. Which one is an organic Acid ?

    1. Sulphuric
    2. Citric
    3. Nitric
    4. Phosphoric
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option B

  • 59. The gas used for artificial ripening of green fruit is ?

    1. ethane
    2. ethylene
    3. carbon dioxide
    4. acetylene
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option B

  • 60. Air is a

    1. compound
    2. colloid
    3. element
    4. mixture
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option D

  • 61. Chemical used in photography is

    1. sodium sulphate
    2. sodium sulphite
    3. sodium thiosulphate
    4. sodium oxalate
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option C

  • 62. A catalyst is a substance which

    1. increases the activation energy
    2. increases the rate of reaction and increases the equilibrium concentration of products
    3. changes the equilibrium of a reaction so that the concentration of the product increases
    4. hastens the attainment of equilibrium
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option D

  • 63. The high reactivity of fluorine is due to ?

    1. small size of fluorine atom
    2. its high electro negativity
    3. availability of d-orbitals
    4. strong F - F bond
    Answer And Explanation

    Answer: Option B