Question Detail Carotene in Indian cow's milk causes ? deep yellow colourCreamish white colourwhite colouryellow colour Answer: Option D Similar Questions : 1. Branch of science which used in test of breast cancer ? MycologyMammographyMicrobiologyMorphology Answer: Option BExplanation:Mycology - is study of fungi. Microbiology - is study of micro organisms like virus, bacteria etc. Morphology - is study of external structures. 2. Which one of the following disease is not transmitted by tiger mosquitoes ? DengueChikungunyaJapanese EncephalitisYellow fever Answer: Option C 3. Plants receive their nutrients mainly from ? atmospherechlorophyll light soil Answer: Option D 4. Pigmentation of skin is due to : leucocytes lymphocytes monocytesmelanocytes Answer: Option D 5. What provides instant energy ? FatCarbohydratesProteinVitamin Answer: Option B Read more from - Biology Questions Answers