Question Detail Can getch() be used to echo the input YesNo Answer: Option B Similar Questions : 1. Break statement is used for Quit a programQuit the current iterationBoth of aboveNone of above Answer: Option B 2. Adding to a pointer that points to an array will Cause an errorIncrease the value of the element that the pointer is pointing toCause the pointer to point to the next element in the arrayNone of above Answer: Option C 3. What is prototype of a function in C It is the return type of a functionIt is the return data of the functionIt is declaration of a functionIt is a datatype Answer: Option C 4. A member is a Variable in a structureDatatype of structureStructure pointerNone of above Answer: Option A 5. Disadvantage of array in C is We can easily access each elementIt is necessary to declare too many variablesIt can store only one similar type of dataNone of above Answer: Option C Read more from - C Programming Questions Answers - Chapter 1