Question Detail Cacographist One who is having ego.One who has unique style.One who is bad in spelling.One who is good in spelling. Answer: Option C Similar Questions : 1. Iconoclast someone who never say lie.someone who attacks cherished ideas or traditional institutions.someone who never say truth.someone who is very pretty. Answer: Option BExplanation:Iconoclast meaning in hindi रिवाज़ तोड़नेवाला 2. Swashbuckler a very genuine person.a person who is greedy.a boastful fellow.a well deserved fellow. Answer: Option C 3. Gourmand A person who enjoys drinking and often drink too much.A person who enjoys eating and often eats too much.A person who enjoying going place to place.A person who have false perceptions about him. Answer: Option BExplanation:Gourmand meaning in hindi पेटू 4. Ascetic One who is in confusion.One who make paintings.One who leads an austere life.One who is lover of beauty. Answer: Option CExplanation:Ascetic means One who leads an austere life. Ascetic meaning in hindi सन्यासी 5. Philogynist A person who have lots to hide.A person who have nothing to hide.A person who likes or admires women.A person who hates women. Answer: Option CExplanation:Philogynist meaning in Hindi स्त्री से प्रेम करने वाला Read more from - One word substitution for people