Question Detail Bring to book To punishTo serveTo praiseTo write a story Answer: Option AExplanation:Example : He was brought to book for his mistake. Similar Questions : 1. Lion's share To be normalTo be very angrySmall partLarge part Answer: Option DExplanation:Example : Root of the issue is, he says that his elder brother is having lion's share of the property which should be equally divided among them. 2. Apple Pie Order In random orderRelated to fruits packingRelated to dry fruit packingIn perfect order Answer: Option DExplanation:Example: On the eve of inspection every thing was kept in apple pie order. 3. Break the ice To do something with courageTo win a prizeTo speak first after long silenceTo win some one heart Answer: Option CExplanation:Example : In our staff meeting Mr. Sharma broke the ice and suggested few great ideas. 4. Rank and file PunishmentCommon ManHigh status manBold man Answer: Option BExplanation:Example : We should take care of the rank and file in every policy we make in national interest. 5. Hanky Panky JuggleryTo To be friendlyTo be a cheater Answer: Option AExplanation:Example : None of this hanky panky, just tell me the truth. Read more from - Idioms and Phrases Questions Answers