Biology Questions Answers
1. Among the biotic components of the ecosystem, the producer system is ?
- Sea
- Rivers
- Green Plants
- Animals
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option C
2. Which of has following group of gases contribute to the 'Green House Effect' ?
- Carbon tetrafluoride and Nitrous oxide
- Carbon monoxide and Sulphur dioxide
- Ammonia and Ozone
- Carbon dioxide and Methane
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option D
3. Which one of the following disease is not transmitted by tiger mosquitoes ?
- Dengue
- Chikungunya
- Japanese Encephalitis
- Yellow fever
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option C
4. Which one of the following air pollution can affect blood stream leading to death ?
- Cadmium
- Asbestos dust
- Carbon monodioxide
- Lead
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option C
5. What is Pollination ?
- germination of pollen grains
- growth of pollen tube in ovule
- transfer of pollen from anther to stigma
- visiting flowers by insects
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option C
6. Plants receive their nutrients mainly from ?
- atmosphere
- chlorophyll
- light
- soil
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option D
7. What is movement of cell against concentration gradient is called
- osmosis
- active transport
- diffusion
- passive transport
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option B
ajay 8 years ago
please translate biology question into hindi
Alpeshkumar Chauhan 8 years ago
nice app sir. very very useful site and app also....if possible please translate question in Gujarati language.
Abhi Kumar 9 years ago
Ques 28 was asked in RRB JE 2015 EXAMINATION ...
shehla Riaz 10 years ago
thank u s0 much.its nice but i suggest if u will pr0vide mcqs regrdng current affairs and increase the number 0f will b 0f great help 4 us and xplanati0n must b there 4 ans..0nce again thnx al0t
aakansha 10 years ago
thnks master guru team best way to learn.... best site i ever visit ........
vimal chakma 10 years ago
You are very much thankful to give us such biology question and also wanna say sir that you are showing the right path of our life to achieve our goal..
.. -
Sanjay 10 years ago
Please sir give more questions in biology thank you
Meena Verma 10 years ago
thankyou so much sir for this have given very good gk of general biology.
Nitika 11 years ago
Thanks a lot mast guru.. among best sites i ever read.