Question Detail Belady anamoly occurs in Optimal replacementFIFOLRUboth in FIFO and LRU Answer: Option B Similar Questions : 1. The part of machine level instruction, which tells the central processor what has to be done, is Operation codeAddressLocatorFlip-Flop Answer: Option A 2. Main function of shared memory is: to use primary memory efficentlyto do intra process communicationto do inter process communicationnone of above Answer: Option C 3. Semaphores function is to synchronize critical resources to prevent deadlocksynchronize processes for better CPU utilizationused for memory managementnone of above Answer: Option A 4. A series of statements explaining how the data is to be processed is called instructioncompilerprograminterpretor Answer: Option C 5. Banker's algorithm deals with deadlock preventiondeadlock avoidancedeadlock recoverymutual exclusion Answer: Option B Read more from - Operating System Questions Answers - Chapter 1