Question Detail Atmospheric pressure is measured by TonometerPyrometerBarometerThermometer Answer: Option C Similar Questions : 1. Nuclear sizes are expressed in a unit named FermiAngstromNewtonTesla Answer: Option A 2. What is unit of Viscosity ? coulombnewton second per square meterwatt per meter per degree celciusjoule per kilogram per Kelvin Answer: Option BExplanation:coulomb is unit of Electric Charge, watt per meter per degree celcius is unit of Thermal Conductivity, joule per kilogram per Kelvin is unit of Specific Heat capacity. 3. All planets move around the sun in elliptical orbits, with the sun being at rest at one focus of the orbit. TrueFalse Answer: Option A 4. What is the relation between wavelength, frequency and velocity ? velocity of wave = frequency * wavelengthvelocity of wave = frequency/wavelengthvelocity of wave = wavelength/frequencyNone of above Answer: Option A 5. Lognitudinal waves and Transverse waves are types of ? Mechanical wavesNon-Mechanical wavesBoth of aboveNone of Above Answer: Option A Read more from - Physics Questions Answers