Article Detail Who was first space tourist ? Answer: Dennis Tito of USA in 2001 Similar Questions : 1. Who won first Nobel prize for chemistry ? Answer: J.H. Wenthoff of Howlland 2. Who was first to won Nobel Prize for Medicine ? Answer: A.E. Wonn Behrig of Germany 3. Name of First Woman Prime Minister of a Country ? Answer: Mrs. Srimavo Bhandarnayake (Sri Lanka) 4. First men to fly an aeroplane ? Answer: Wright Brothers 5. Who was first woman to climb Mount Everest ? Answer: Junko Tabei (Japan) 6. Name of first country to launch satellite into space ? Answer: Russia 7. Who was first to won Nobel prize of Economics ? Answer: Ragnar Frisch (Norway) and Jan Timbergen (Howlland) Read more from - First in World