Question Detail Arithmetic instruction are used to perform operation on ? Non Numerical dataNumerical dataBoth of aboveNone of above Answer: Option B Similar Questions : 1. I/O processor has direct access to ? Main MemorySecondary MemoryFlash MemoryROM Answer: Option A 2. What is full form of LED ? Low Emitting DiodeLight Emitting DiodeLight Emitting DataLight Encounter Diode Answer: Option BExplanation:In optical mouse we use pair of LED. 3. __ is a single control line that informs destination unit that a valid is available on the bus ? PingTokenHandshakeStrobe Answer: Option D 4. Which among following is Volatile ? ROMEPROMDROMRAM Answer: Option D 5. Which system has a base or radix of 10 ? Binary OctalHexadecimalDecimal Answer: Option D Read more from - Computer System Architecture Questions Answers