Question Detail Arithmetic instruction are used to perform operation on ? Non Numerical dataNumerical dataBoth of aboveNone of above Answer: Option B Ad Similar Questions : 1. ____ processor has to check continuously till device becomes ready for transferring the data ? DMAInterrupt-initiated I/OIOPDCP Answer: Option B 2. What is full form of LED ? Low Emitting DiodeLight Emitting DiodeLight Emitting DataLight Encounter Diode Answer: Option BExplanation:In optical mouse we use pair of LED. 3. Why we need to have secondary storage ? Store large volume of data that exceed the capacity of main memoryPerform arithmatic and logical operationsTo give power to the system tooTo help processor in processing Answer: Option A 4. Which among following can be considered as most advanced ROM ? DRAMEEPROMRAMPROM Answer: Option BExplanation:EEPROM means Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory. 5. Whenever CPU detects an interrupt, what it do with current state ? Save itDiscard itDepends system to systemFirst finish it Answer: Option A Read more from - Computer System Architecture Questions Answers