Antonyms Questions Answers
50. Antonym of Vanguard
- echelon
- leaders
- regiment
- front
- rear
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option E
Vanguard meaning in hindi is मोहरा
51. Antonym of Husbandry
- hard labour
- land management
- wastefulness
- tillage
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option C
Husbandry meaning in hindi is कृषि
52. Antonym of Gnome
- small
- fairy
- gloom
- giant
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option D
Gnome meaning in hindi is सूक्ति
53. Antonym of Accepted
- considered
- receive
- noted
- established
- rejected
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option E
Accepted meaning in hindi is स्वीकार किए जाते हैं
54. Antonym of Alleviation
- exaggeration
- mitigation
- magnification
- aggravation
- comfort
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option D
Alleviation meaning in hindi is उपशमन
55. Antonym of Militant
- active
- spiritual
- pacifist
- fighting
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option C
Militant meaning in hindi is उग्रवादी
56. Antonym of Autonomous
- magnanimous
- self-governing
- operational
- uncontrolled
- dependent
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option E
Autonomous meaning in hindi is स्वायत्त