Antonyms Questions Answers
1. Antonym of AGONY
- meet time constraints
- aim better resource sharing
- aim better system utilization
- aim low system overhead
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option B
Agony means extreme physical and mental pain.
2. Antonym of CANDID
- Bluff
- Devious
- Equal
- Blunt
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option B
CANDID meaning in Hindi : स्पष्टवादी
3. Antonym of AMENDING
- Alter
- Ameliorate
- Better
- Debase
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option D
4. Antonym of AMENABLE
- Uncooperative
- Persuadable
- Biddable
- Docile
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option A
AMENABLE meaning in Hindi :जवाबदेही/आज्ञाकारी/वश्य
5. Antonym of AMENITY
- Advantage
- Comfort
- Enrichment
- Abomination
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option D
AMENITY meaning in Hindi : सुविधा
6. Antonym of ENTANGLE
- Untwist
- Twist
- Hook
- Impede
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option A
ENTANGLE meaning in Hindi : उलझाना
7. Antonym of BELLYACHE
- Fuss
- Groan
- Appreciate
- Whine
Answer And Explanation
Answer: Option C
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